Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Disney star can't seem to keep herself out of scandals and she is only 16 years old. First it was the topless photo shoot that caused some much drama, even though she had a bed sheet covering herself and all you could see what her back. She is also involved in a law suit regrading all the Asians in CA , due to a photo of her pretending she was Asians. She is also ridiculed for her close relationship to her father, well one more thing can be added to that list, a tattoo.

Miley is not quite of age to get a tattoo just yet but that hasn't stopped her from wanting to get one. Like most girls Miley's age they want a tattoo. Well it seems Miley has already picked out what she wants as her first tattoo and to the seasoned tattoo person its the ultimate tattoo no no. This tattoo design that Miley has picked out is not the wisest of tattoo design. She wants to get the initials of her 20 year old boyfriend, Justin Gaston.

One would think that her parents Billy Ray and Tish would put their foot down and advise their daughter that getting the initials of a boyfriend who is more than likely just a teenager love affair is not the best idea. But it seems Billy Ray and Tish are ok with this because of a new tattoo ink that has come out that promises to be more effective when you want to get one removed by a laser. Either way getting tattoos removed is painful and expensive. It's best to just skip the whole boyfriend initials thing and get a butterfly or a heart tattoo instead.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wiz Khalifa Pittsburgh Chain and Tattoos

Anyone into the ink work can see Wiz Khalifa Tattoos Back to Front in this picture. If you stare for a while you can easily pull meaning from each work. A pretty religous guy, Wiz Khalifa loves to show off his tats that give a better glimpse of who he is!

Wiz Khalifa tattoos are all over his body. He considers himself the king of ink and wants to be one of the major artists that have tons of ink on his body. One of the biggest tattoos that he has is the word Khalifa, on his back.. He even came up with a song and a of couple music videos, called “Ink My Whole Body”. Somebody asked how many does he actually have been the answer was a lot. It is also suggested that Matt Lettau may be one of the artists that did the ink.

On his chest he has the quote from Martin Luther King, Jr., “The ultimate measure of a Man is not where He stands in moments of comfort and convenience. But where He stands at times of challenge and controversy.”. Wiz Khalifa tattoos started when he was 16 when he got his first one. His first tattoo with the name of his group and then he just kept going from there. He said most of them are spiritual or have something to do with his life and how he lives it eerie at said they all have meaning, including the one that says, “Self Made”. He said he has one for his uncle he has one for his sister. And of course, he has superstar written out on his knuckles.

Was Khalifa, tattoos have been the subject of many interviews and he said that the “Self Made” tat is his favorite because it means a lot to him. He said, it embodies how he has really been a self-made person and he just really really likes that one. Where will he stop? It is truly hard to say. Certainly as he presses on in his life he will surely add additional tattoos that have huge meaning to him

Wiz Khalifa Microphone Tattoo

Wiz Khalifa Microphone Tattoo can be seen here clear. A basic photo, you can see the Pittsburgh Sound rapper has a great tattoo artist connect. Whole body Inked up, the boy was not lying.


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